We'll stay right downtown in Paris, near the Seine and the museums, in a newly remodeled 6th floor apartment, an AirBnB booking, for a week. Then we'll get a car and drive around France, Holland, and Germany for three weeks, visiting with friends and several chess players from my chess website. And we'll see our nephew, Mark, sing in an opera in Neustrelitz, Germany, and then he will show us around Berlin for a couple of days. It will be uncrowded, if coolish... prices are low... the dollar is up... the Continent beckons...
Holland: Amsterdam, Zwolle
France: Paris, Lille, Metz, Griesbach au Val
Germany: Neustrelitz, Berlin, Buchen, Talheim Baden-Baden
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Gas Prices in US Dollars:
Date | Belgium | France | Germany | Italy | Netherlands | UK | US |
2/2/15 | 5.32 | 5.48 | 5.57 | 6.21 | 6.28 | 6.05 | 2.45 |